Far Olivier OuYang Presents at the 2024 Conference of the Department of Insurance and Finance, National Taichung University of Science and Technology

We are proud to announce that Far Olivier OuYang recently presented his research at the 2024 Conference of the Department of Insurance and Finance at the National Taichung University of Science and Technology. Under the supervision of Professor Yvonne Yeh at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, OuYang’s research explored the impact of wearing face masks on physical attractiveness and interpersonal perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study focused on how mask-wearing influenced people’s impressions, likability, and how personality traits were perceived. OuYang found that face masks often created obstacles in interpersonal communication, making it harder to recognize others and form initial impressions. However, the research revealed that positive eye contact could enhance favorability, and maintaining cleanliness and professional attire helped mitigate the disadvantages caused by obscured facial expressions.

This research sheds light on the social challenges of mask-wearing and emphasizes the importance of non-verbal cues in forming positive interpersonal connections during times when facial expressions were largely hidden. Congratulations to Far Olivier OuYang on his significant contribution to understanding these dynamics!

Shonn Cheng
Shonn Cheng
Assistant Professor

My research interests include applying a variety of analytical methods to study motivation, expertise, and technology-enhanced training.